

Amplify & Advocate

We use amplification & advocacy tactics to bring partners’ presence, expertise, and priorities to local, national, regional & global spaces they want to influence.


AMPLIFY recognizes the power of “being in the room” and advocates for the inclusion of CDOs in global decision-making spaces. We then use these spaces to advocate for improved resource allocation to CDOs and improved recognition of their insights when it comes to agency-building practices. We champion a narrative focused on the fact that localized approaches and solutions create long-term sustainable change, and AMPLIFY uses the power of our collective voice to illustrate the impact of CDOs and shift global investment to a local level.

By forging these relationships, we believe we can create a shift in the way resources are allocated and build an understanding of how important community-driven organizations – and the localized approaches and solutions they implement - are to creating long-term sustainable change.

Our collective of partners design and implement campaigns centered around our core advocacy messages:

  • Localized development is best suited to meet the needs of the community.

  • Localized leadership creates trust and yields greater impact and sustainability.

  • Context is crucial and localized problems are best solved by developing localized solutions.

  • Communities are unique. What works in one community might not work in another – understanding the nuances is imperative to creating effective programs.

  • Intentional collaboration creates access to best practices and allows smaller organizations to adopt solutions to their needs and forge relationships with similar, like-minded organizations.

  • Scale can be re-imagined to be inclusive of community-driven development.